Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Getting started

Who this blog is for.
1. If your spouse or friend is doing the challenge and you want to be supportive. 
2. If you don't want to spend the money on doing the full challenge but want to dabble in the products and eat healthy. 

Using this blog.
1. Each "day of the challenge"  is at the top of this blog as a page. Click on the day you are on to see what I did. 
2. If you are doing the challenge and need an accountability partner to be supportive but they are not willing to do the full challenge send them this blog. 

Warning: I do not follow the challenge or take all the advocare products recommended. 

Why I did the "Kind of" 24 day challenge

Why I'm doing / attempting to do the 24 day challenge.
1. My wife is doing it.
2. I cook at my house and don't plan to make two dinners.
3. My wife is "making" me do it.
4. Half my family sells the stuff...

Reasons I should be doing it...
1. To lose wait
2. To get healthy
3. Other generic reasons people use.

My plan...
1. Dabble in the advocare products
2. Attempt to eat advofriendly food
3. Write a blog that will help and encourage others to support their spouses that are doing the 24 day challenge.
4. Become a champion!